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Code microcade with Arduino!

Welcome to the world of Arduino, the go-to for DIY enthusiasts and electronic hobbyists! Today, we're exploring how to set up Arduino for Microcade, a charming mini arcade system.

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Welcome to the world of Arduino, a haven for DIY enthusiasts and electronic hobbyists! In this post, we’re diving into the exciting process of setting up Arduino, a key player in the realm of microcontrollers and electronics programming. Our focus today is on Microcade – a delightful mini arcade system that brings back the nostalgia of classic games. Whether you’re a seasoned tinkerer or a curious beginner, this guide aims to simplify the process of installing Arduino and configuring it for your Microcade projects.

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Downloading the Arduino IDE

The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is your main tool for writing and uploading code to your Microcade board. Here’s how you can download it:

  1. Visit the Arduino Website: Head over to Arduino’s official website.
  2. Select the Right Version: Find the version of the Arduino IDE that’s compatible with your computer’s operating system.
  3. Download: Click the download link and follow the prompts.

Installing the Arduino IDE

Now, let’s install the IDE:

For Windows Users:

  1. Run the Installer: Once the download is complete, open the installer.
  2. Accept the License: Read and accept the license agreement.
  3. Choose Components: Select the components to install. Default settings are fine.
  4. Install Drivers: Don’t forget to install the necessary drivers when prompted.

For macOS Users:

  1. Open the Downloaded File: This will be a .zip file.
  2. Drag Arduino to Applications: Extract the file and drag the Arduino icon to your Applications folder.

For Linux Users:

  1. Extract and Install: Extract the downloaded file and run the install script.
  2. Permission Settings: You might need to set up permissions. Check Arduino’s Linux guide for detailed instructions.

Setting up the Microcade board

  1. Press on Tools > Boards > Boards Manager…

2. Search for “Arduboy Homemade Package” and press Install

Done! Now, you can find the microcade by clicking on Tools > Boards > Arduboy Versions > Microcade

Be sure to select the Port to the port where your microcade is connected and you can select upload. The default settings are fine.

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Code microcade with Arduino!

Welcome to the world of Arduino, the go-to for DIY enthusiasts and electronic hobbyists! Today, we’re exploring how to set up Arduino for Microcade, a charming mini arcade system.


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